Deciding which commercial garage doors are best for your business is quite tricky. And that’s because the special requirements of your business are as important as the space provided at your property. They are often called commercial doors because they lead straight to your business or working area. And that’s one more reason for investing in durable garage doors, which can provide resistance. Resistance against what? You might ask. Well, they must resist attempted force entry but also the weather and fire. So we come to the conclusion that there are several choices for your commercial property’s garage door installation needs.

Sectional doors

When to choose sectional commercial garage doors:

a. When you need garage door windows for visibility or sun light.

b. When thermal insulation is important at your business.

c. When it’s a practical solution for you.

d. When simply you like their style.


Special features?

· Hinged doors come out in different sizes to meet standard, high and full vertical lift requirements.

· They need plenty of backroom and headroom. So you must measure with precision.


Rolling doors

When to choose rollup doors:

a. When securing well the property is important.

b. When you need less garage door maintenance over the years.

rollupcommercialRoll up garage doors make an excellent choice in highly demanding commercial areas. They hardly require plenty of space. So properties with limited backroom, sideroom and headroom would match perfectly with rollup doors. They slide upwards and roll in a barrel. They are made of slats and can be insulated. Since they are usually made of low steel gauge, they are considered very strong and can last for many, many years.

Their variations include shutters and security grilles. The former ones are great at retail shops or snack bars (called counter shutters) where the private area must be protected in non-working hours. The latter ones provide protection in retail shops, malls, airports and similar properties where security is an issue but pedestrian doors can remain open.


Fire doors

A significant rollup garage door option is fire rated doors. They are a must in facilities, where the protection of goods or having a fire rated door is a must. They have a release mechanism to close the door automatically at 165 degrees F. They also include fire and smoke detectors, which can set off the alarm at the building and also close the door.


High traffic doors

commercialThese are excellent in applications where the door must open and close
repeatedly. Their material is extremely strong and can work in high speeds to meet the requirements of such facilities. The door can immediately reopen after it has closed down and so high traffic door solutions are outstanding in properties with heavy traffic.


Garage door opener choices

It’s also important to choose the right garage door opener for each door. Its speed, safety and level of security mainly depend on the opener. Your choices?

· Trolley openers mainly for sectional doors.

· Hoist openers for rolling doors.

· Jackshaft openers for facilities with high ceilings. They work best with rolling doors.

· Slide operators for heavy duty doors.